Μνήμα (GRE) – Κ​​​α​​​τ​​​α​​​ρ​​​α​​​μ​​​έ​​​ν​​​α Λ​​​ε​​​ί​​​ψ​​​α​​​ν​​​α LP


Black Metal

New full-length. In Greece, a funeral is especially profound. As the burial shroud is slowly raised over the face of the deceased it is common for despair amongst the mourners to reach fever pitch; the wailing, the panic, the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth as loved ones throw themselves at the coffin in uncontrollable and unbearable hysteria… for they know that this is the last time on this earth that they will see the face of their partner… their precious, adored, beautiful child.

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Weight 0.5 kg


His Wounds

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